Be empowered, take control and live the extraordinary.
- Joseph Kaye
Be empowered to take control of you.
Do you feel out of control?
Do you want more from your life?
Are your thoughts and emotions negatively impacting your life?
Is there a past, present or future event holding you back?

Emotional Wellbeing
When we take control of our emotions, we take control of our lives. As Research at the Harvard Business School has shown, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) – the ability to manage our own emotions – counts for twice as much as IQ and technical skills combined, in determining who will be successful in their life.
In our sessions you will learn to understand what your emotions are all about so that they can serve and guide you instead of holding you back and being a source of pain. The Emotional Mastery System will show you how there are no negative thoughts or emotions, they are all trying to serve us. We just need to be emotionally intelligent to get their message.
The Emotional Mastery System is the start to taking control of your life. Upgrading every area of your life and increasing joy, inner peace and external success.
"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it." - Charles Swindoll
"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it."
Charles Swindoll
The #1 rule for an incredible relationship.
Do you want more love, trust & intimacy?
Do you feel that your relationship is changing for the worse?
Not feeling heard or understood by your spouse or partner?
Feeling that they don’t understand you?
Do you feel that previous relationship therapy just recycled the pain?

Couples Therapy
You can create a loving and sustainable relationship through adopting The Intention Principle. You will discover one simplistic idea that will allow you to reconnect, overcome past, present and future challenges and build an incredible level of understanding and connection. This approach and intervention has helped couples who were facing divorce to transform and build a sustainable and loving relationship.
Instead of focusing on changing behaviour, the Intention Principle focuses on building understanding which is the key to all relationships. That is why this approach is so effective. When we change how we feel we then change our behaviour. It would be very hard to get couples to change their behaviour and do acts of love and kindness towards each other while there is a lack of understanding between them. We are drawn to people who understand us and repelled by people who don’t understand us.
It is understanding that builds love, connection and trust.
I have lost track of how many people have told me that they simply don’t feel understood in their relationship or they feel they are fighting to be understood. It is exhausting them to the stage of giving up on their relationship. In our sessions, you will discover how to simply protect the one dynamic that will either make or break your relationship in any type of relationship and that is understanding.
In our sessions together we will reinvigorate the feeling of understanding. Using the Intention Principle, you will change how you feel about each other which will then lead to a change in behaviour. This Intention Principle is really easy to implement, self-motivating and highly effective.
"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships." - Harvey Mackay
"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships."
Harvey Mackay

"I am a published author, therapist, educator & life coach. I founded the Intention Principle system that is a highly effective relationship intervention. I also created the Emotional Mastery system that shows individuals how to take control of their mind, emotions and self-actualisation. Over 4,000 participants have attended my workshops and 1-2-1 therapy, and drawn upon my approach and experienced a significant shift. I draw upon my own experiences, professional training and wealth of experience of working with couples and individuals."
- Joseph

I had struggled with anxiety for years, Joseph showed me why, what it meant and how to rebalance myself emotionally. Truly grateful for the transformational journey.
For more than 10 years I lost myself, nothing seemed to help. This approach was so logical, understandable and life changing. It helped me to take back control and carve out a new life path.
Joseph has a unique understanding of emotional wellbeing that has been so empowering for me both in my personal and professional life.
We had been to therapy for years, just recycling our pain with no gains. The Intention Principle was a new concept that made so much sense and was so easy to implement. We saw results within 3 sessions and everything just changed from there.
Joseph’s ability to navigate through our relationship challenges was impressive considering how many previous therapists failed. The power of the Intention Principle was so effective, it was so self-motivating.
We had been struggling for years, to the point of ending the relationship. We adopted just one idea, the Intention Principle and we saw hope and experienced change. Such a simple concept that really makes so much sense and put me in total control.