Additional Details
This course is made up of 6 videos:
Introduction: 30 min
The Intention Principle: 50 min
Dynamics of Behaviour: 45 min
Dynamics of Choice: 25 min
The 2 Killer Questions: 15 min
Emotionally Free: 15 min
Deep Pain: 15 min
£49 for 6 months unlimited access.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
I am confident you will find this course incredibly helpful. If, however you are not happy just let me know within the first 7 days and I will refund you. So, you really have literally no risk at all but you have everything to gain.
In the course you will discover:
Deal with unhealthy and annoying behaviours in a way that strengthens your relationship.
How to discuss past painful experiences and reconnect.
How you both can always ‘win’ with any difference of choice or opinion.
Be emotionally independent.

Discover what your partner / spouse really wants from you.

You don’t need your partner to make this change.
If I had a £1 for every time a potential client has said the same thing to me…. “Joe, my spouse needs to change” or “my partner shouldn’t be doing that”. Right there in that sentence is where the powerlessness and dysfunction begins, because what you are saying is, I can’t be happy, or I can’t move forward until this person I have no control over, behaves or changes in a way that I want them to.
So, I set out to develop a process and understanding that could help anyone, literally anyone, transform any type of relationship in their life without requiring any input from the other person.
What I outline in these videos works for YOU… regardless of whether the other person participates or not.
Beth attended my live Intention Principle workshops alone. She told me the following:
‘My husband has changed so much since I started these workshops. He’s started coming home from work earlier and spending the evenings at home. He has started spending more time with the kids and he shows much more care and understanding towards me’.
How did this all happen?
Well, Beth told me that she simply stopped breaking The Intention Principle and started to respect this one truth, this one rule.
The understanding I’ll be sharing with you has an incredible high success rate with my clients regardless whether they are facing divorce or simply want to improve their intimate relationship. What you’ll be learning can be applied to every single relationship in your life.
Before we go any further, let me make something abundantly clear:
This course does not contain a “magic wand”.
However, if you are ready to respect just one rule then what I’m about to share with you has literally transformed the lives of myself and my clients and I know it can help you too.
I know that sounds far-fetched, especially in the relationship space, however what if I told you that the tired old approach to relationships doesn’t work, that it’s complicated, unhelpful and to be quite honest, only makes things worse. What I am offering is simple, it’s easy, self-motivating and absolutely anyone can do this, regardless of your past, your situation, your gender or your age.
So with that said, let me tell you...
I’ve seen long term marriages on the brink of divorce, where both parties felt like there was too much history to turn things around, feel like honeymooners again. They were able to reignite their feelings of trust, love and intimacy to each other.
When Jake and Samantha (names changed) first came to my therapy room, they were knee deep in a divorce mindset. They were barely speaking, and any conversation that did happen was normally explosive.
Simply using The Intention Principle, I was able to work with Jake and Samantha to rebuild feelings of love, trust and intimacy. I never told them to ‘communicate’ or to show any more appreciation or affection. I simply worked with them to stop breaking The Intention Principle.
The best part, is that this one idea is simple and self-motivating and is something absolutely anyone can learn...
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We had been struggling for years, to the point of ending the relationship. We adopted just one idea, the Intention Principle and we saw hope and experienced change. Such a simple concept that really makes so much sense and put me in total control.
The Intention Principle is a game changer for all relationships. It created a real positive impact on our relationship. I have also used it in business with incredible results.
We had been to therapy for years, just recycling our pain with no gains. The Intention Principle was a new concept that made so much sense and was so easy to implement. We saw results within 3 sessions and everything just changed from there.